The 100 by Kass Morgan
Rating: 5/10
My first thoughts regarding this book:
I was quite excited about reading this book. I had someone recommend it to me and you know me-always up for a good dystopian read. I have heard that the show is better than the book however, so I kept my expectations a little lower.
My actual thoughts after finishing the book:
Well. To be honest I don’t even know what to say. I do have to say it was an interesting read with the earth being abandoned for so long and the idea of 100 people coming back but I feel as though this wasn’t greatly executed. I found the writing a little clunky so trying to get through this was difficult and often I had to go back over and read paragraphs for the third or fourth time.
Trying to keep up with four people's storylines is hard enough in a book, but when all four people have two separate storylines and it jumps suddenly with being thrown into a flash back and being in the present day, I mean, man, a lot of the time I had to try and figure out not just what is happening but when it was happening.
This also had a lot of “teenage drama” in it. This is expected as it is a Young Adult book, not much I can do there, but I feel as though most chapters ended on people kissing but not for dramatic reason but to keep dramas that don’t matter going.
I mean we had the typical love triangle going on with Clarke, Wells and Bellamy which I found quite boring. I mean, Wells I know you didn’t mean to kill Clarkes parents, but you did, and she has a right to be angry with you, jeez!
Also, we could be in the middle of a fight or something dramatic then suddenly there is a random paragraph describing a flower or what the grass looks like, and I get that the earth hasn’t been touched for 300 years (or so we think) and everyone is just in awe, but I feel it was done at the most inopportune times.
However, despite all these bad points the idea of the story kept me reading, wanting to find out what the next page brought in terms of everyone’s survival. I will definitely try out the next book-I am too invested in these people's lives now to give up on them-but I have my apprehensions. If we could cut down on the “teenage drama” and suddenly switching it would be great. I can put up with being told what a flower looks like but ending so many chapters in kisses that mean nothing I feel is too excessive.
What did you guy's think?
Thanks for reading!
Proffessor Nutkins