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Arrow DC. End of Season 2, Start of Season 3

Writer's picture: Proffessor NutkinsProffessor Nutkins

Hi everyone,

Lucky you, getting to hear from me twice in two days. I bet you're just overjoyed!


So last night I finished Arrow season 2. I can't believe I ever thought that death strokes mask at the start of that first episode might of just been an Easter egg and had nothing to do with the show. How naïve I was! Well anyway I have learned now that is not the case. And my god so much to talk about. I also watched 2 episodes of the next season.

And I would just like to point out-Barry Allen called Oliver at the end of the season but we haven't covered that? Like bro he got out of hospital from being struck by lightning and I am like 95% sure he is the flash and I need to know for sure, like, NOW. Plus he is funny, and a good character.

And Thea. Oh Thea. Why do you have to be working with Malcolm, which not to mention HE"S SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD. WE SAW HIM DIE. Like dude.

Anyway back to Thea. I mean the girl has had a rough time in this show. Dead family, not dead family, lies, oh the lies, father, not father, real father I mean the list goes on.

Also, Oliver wasn't on the island the whole time?! What the hell? It has been 2 WHOLE SEASONS Oliver. YOU COULD OF MENTIONED SOMETHING. Like bro we have been in your head for so long and you aren't gonna mention that you weren't on the island for 5 years? Like that seems important bro.

And Felicity has issues at the moment. Poor Felicity. She is my favourite character. She shouldn't go work for Mr. Rich-Whatsits-face who has forced her to work for him in her current job or the new one. I fear he may be a new villain so I have my concerns. I can't remember his name either. He shall now be known as Mr. Rich-Whatsits-Face.

Diggle's seems to be the only person with good things happening. Everyone else is an absolute disaster.

Last thing. I feel Sarah dying in that show may of been my fault. She left at the end of season 2 and I don't like her very much and I was like "yay!". Then she came back and as I was thinking "This is so annoying. I didn't want her to come back, she should just leave again." She got shot. So I am sorry to all the Sarah Lance fans. It is my fault.

(I don't trust this show though. How do we know Sarah isn't actually alive? I don't even trust Oliver's mum is actually dead either).

Well I will end it there :)

Have a day!

Proffessor Nutkins

P.s. I am so going to look back at this post and think that I sound so stupid when I find out what actually happens.



Aug 13, 2022

I am also watching arrow too. It is really good. 😁

Proffessor Nutkins
Proffessor Nutkins
Aug 13, 2022
Replying to

They are cool characters :). Felicity is my favourite.

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